Prepare and implement a Council net zero plan and lead the preparation of a Shetland net zero strategy involving community planning partners and a range of energy-focused businesses and organisations.
Since agreeing the first Climate Change Strategic Outline Programme in January 2020, this has been an area of significant activity across the Council. Undoubtedly, the most significant recent achievement in this area was the agreement in December 2023 of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan. This followed extensive data analysis, widespread engagement and provides direction on the things we will now prioritise for delivery in the coming years. The Strategy and Action Plan closely align with Our Ambition and therefore help move forward the actions within this theme. Ongoing progress will be monitored and reported through the performance management arrangements embedded into the Strategy’s governance arrangements.
The Strategy acknowledges that Shetland's emissions per capita is significantly higher than Scotland's average due to our remote location, population distribution, economy and geology. The Council is different to many other local authorities in Scotland as we run our fleet of diesel-powered ferries and tugs. The Shetland Partnership Plan includes analysis of carbon emissions data, Carbon Emissions – Shetland Partnership
In addition to the SIC Net Zero Route Map, a Shetland-wide Net Zero Route Map was also developed and published in November 2022. This provides a baseline for Shetland’s emissions across the sectors of energy, transport, buildings, waste, business and industry and Land Use Change and Forestry. Development of the route map included extensive stakeholder engagement across Shetland, and established appropriate measures and pathways for Shetland to work towards net zero as an area.
Following approval of the Shetland NZRM, the Shetland Climate Change Steering Group was formed, made up of Shetland Partnership members, including the Council, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, NHS Shetland, UHI Shetland, Shetland Amenity Trust, Nature Scot and Tourism Scotland. The group is currently working through the strategy, which provides a common vision for place-based climate action across Shetland.