SIC Allocation Details
A points system is used to identify which applicants on the housing register are in greatest housing need. The greater your housing need, the more points you will be entitled to and the greater your chance of being offered a Council house. There is high demand and being near the top of a list at any point in time is no guarantee of allocation.
When you fill in your form you will also be applying to be housed by Hjaltland Housing Association, unless you decide to opt out. Hjaltland have their own Allocation Policy on their website. View SIC's full Allocation Policy.
You can be accepted on to our Housing Register if you are aged 16 years old or above.
Allocation of SIC Properties
If you are a transfer or waiting list applicant your position on the register will depend on the number of points you have. If you are a homeless or a special case applicant, your application will not be pointed. Instead, your position on the register will depend on the date of your application. Empty houses will usually be allocated to the first applicant on the housing register in one of three quota groups, for the size of the property in the area.
Quota Groups
SIC Housing operate a lettings plan that allocates vacant properties to one of three quota groups in line with agreed targets set by the Council. The 2024/2025 targets are detailed below:-
Area | Homeless | Waiting List | Transfer |
Lerwick | 60% | 20% | 20% |
Landward | 20% | 60% | 20% |
Priority and Points Scheme
Your application will be assessed and pointed based on the information that you provide. If you need advice about your housing situation or wish to discuss the points awarded to your housing application, please contact us on 01595 744360 and a Housing Officer will be able to help. The following points can be awarded:-
Category | Points |
*Access to Children | 20 |
Insecurity of Tenure | 150 |
No Fixed Abode | 100 |
Unreasonable to remain | 35 |
Sharing amenities | 40 |
Fostering, Adopting and Kinship Care | 40 |
Lack of Amenities | 50/100 |
Overcrowding For each single bedroom lacking For each double bedroom lacking |
40 60 |
Under occupation - For each additional bedroom | 50 |
*Medical points Unsuitable home—low need Serious Severe Urgent |
20 50 75 100 |
*Social Need points | 50/100 |
*Additional forms need to be completed for these points to be awarded
Circumstances not taken into account
When you apply for SIC housing, we will not take into account:
- The length of time you have lived in Shetland
- Any housing related debt which built up while you were not a tenant
- Any housing related debt which is no longer outstanding
- Any outstanding debt which is less than 1 month’s rent or for which you have made satisfactory arrangements and are paying
- Any debt you or a member of your household owes to a Local Authority or Registered Social Landlord which is not related to the tenancy of a house e.g. Council Tax
- Your age, so long as you are at least 16
- You or your family’s income
- Whether you or your family own a property.