Future Housing - Procurement


Procurement in construction involves the process of acquiring goods, works and services for a project. Supply chains in the construction industry are complex, often involving a multitude of suppliers, professionals, contractors and subcontractors from different sectors. The process begins with the identification of need, followed by the selection suppliers and the awarding of contracts. 

Buyers, like the Council and Hjaltland, are also required by law to ensure that their procurement practices are open to small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs), the third sector and supported businesses.

There are several different types of procurement methods for use in construction, the two most common are:

Open Procedure 

A single stage process where suppliers receive the pre-qualification/selection questionnaire and the invitation to tender at the same time.

Restricted Procedure

Stage 1

Pre-qualification/Selection - Interested suppliers submit their applications to participate.

Shortlisting - The buyer evaluates the applications and shortlists a select pool of suppliers.

Stage 2

Invitation to Tender - Shortlisted suppliers are then invited to submit detailed tenders.

Advertising procurement opportunities

The Council and Hjaltland are required to advertise all regulated procurement opportunities on Public Contracts Scotland (PCS), making it easier for SMEs to find and win contracts.


The Scottish Government funds the Supplier Development Programme (SDP) which runs events and works with partners to help SMEs and third sector organisations win work through PCS and grow their business.