Local support
The Council’s Economic Development Service operates the Business Gateway service in Shetland and a number of funding schemes, some of which are outlined below. Prospective applicants are advised to initially discuss the project with the funding officer and/or Business Gateway, which can provide wider business advice and funding opportunities.
Shetland Rural Retail Services Scheme
Up to 75% grant funding to improve the facilities and amenities of rural shops, to improve sustainability and ensure continued provision of a vital local retail service to the Shetland community. Provided through the UK Government ‘Levelling Up’ scheme, funds are limited and the grant will close as soon as all funds are committed.
Some rural shops have already taken advantage of the scheme to fund projects which reduce energy costs and boost efficiency, including:
- Installation of energy efficient lighting and/or heating
- Upgrade/installation of new refrigeration units, chillers and condensers
Grants are available between £1,000 and £10,000 and can fund up to 75% of eligible project costs. If you have an idea for a project please get in touch.
Note: This fund will close when funding runs out and will not re-open.
Shetland Rural Retail Services SchemeBusiness Gateway Shetland
Business Gateway supports start-up and established businesses across Shetland, with free, impartial, and confidential advice, for those seeking to grow or develop business prospects. Local flexibility allows services to be tailored to specific needs in Shetland, including recovery/sustainability support; expert help and specialist support; localised bespoke training workshops; and networking events.
Business Gateway also has access to experienced business advisors, who can provide one to one support, giving confidential and independent advice on any issues facing your business.
Economic Development Grant Scheme
Financial assistance with the costs related to developing commercial projects, where these projects result in extensive local benefits. Individuals, businesses and organisations may apply. Grants available between £1,000 and £25,000 and, in general, assistance will be limited to 30% of eligible project costs.
Economic Development Grant Scheme
Further information
The Council’s website is regularly updated with grant opportunities and business advice. Other useful links for rural shops include:
Climate Change Team - Reducing environmental impact and costs
Other Business and Licensing Advice, including applying for licences, food safety, Health & Safety, Trading Standards, and selling to the council: