Becoming a supplier

We actively consider how we can take advantage of any savings that can be made through efficient procurement practices. That includes participation in national frameworks and collaborative contracts, locally and regionally, whilst at the same time being mindful of the need for a healthy local economy in Shetland.

There are a number of bodies we work with to get best value from the collaborative and national contracts:

  • Procurement Scotland - launched in March 2008 and resides within the Scottish Procurement Directorate of the Scottish Government. It generally deals with products and services that all public bodies require.
  • Scotland Excel all 32 Scottish local authorities are members. Their remit is to work collaboratively with members and suppliers alike in order to raise procurement standards and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public sector procurement in Scotland. It has a range of framework contracts available where the products and services are generally required by local Councils.


Contracts not sourced via these other bodies and estimated at £50,000 or more are generally advertised locally. Where the estimated cost of a contract is equal to or greater than Regulated Thresholds it will usually require to be advertised on the UK e-notification system called Find a Tender Service (FTS) as well.

Increasingly, Scottish local authorities are moving towards advertising most contracts on Public Contract Scotland (PCS). All national framework opportunities are advertised here as well as on FTS. We use this portal for more specialist contracts and where it is understood that wider advertising would be of benefit. Extended use of the portal is under consideration.

As a supplier, we would encourage you to register on PCS. This applies to all suppliers. Registering on PCS means that you will be available through PCS’ “Quick Quote”, a facility where local authorities can select suppliers to receive quotes for small jobs as well as being notified of other procurement opportunities for the product or service that you register as wishing to be considered for.

Contracts Register

We keep a register of open contracts which is updated regularly. 

Annual Procurement Report

We publish our Annual Procurement Reports as required by the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014.