All aquaculture and works licence applications are assessed alongside National and Local policy by the Marine Planning Team.
National Policy
National policy for Scotland’s Marine environment is set out in the National Marine Plan (2015). It is supported by the National Marine Plan Interactive (NMPi). The NMPi is an interactive map which allows you to view different types of information relating to the marine environment and activities.
National planning policy for aquaculture and coastal development is set out in National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4). The Scottish Government have also published Planning Circular 1/2015 on the relationship between the land use planning system and marine planning and licensing.
Local Policy
Locally we have plans and policy which apply to all development in the Shetland marine region.
- The Shetland Islands' Marine Spatial Plan (2015) sets out policies for our marine environment, marine related developments and activities.
- Supplementary Guidance on Aquaculture (2017) covers finfish and shellfish developments.
- Works Licence Policy 2017 – covers our policies for developments such as dredging, piers, cables, pipelines, renewable energy, marinas and breakwaters, which are controlled under the Zetland County Council Act (1974).
- Shetland Local Development Plan (2014) – contains a range of polies which apply to land-based and marine applications. Policy CST1 Coastal Development of the Local Development Plan applies to all marine developments.
Shetland Islands Regional Marine Plan (Amended Draft) April 2021
At the meeting of Shetland Islands Council on 14 April 2021 it was agreed to submit the Amended Draft version of the Shetland Islands Regional Marine Plan (SIRMP) to Scottish Ministers for adoption and publication. The Plan is currently with Scottish Ministers and it is anticipated that it will be adopted soon.
The committee report and consultation responses to the SIRMP can be viewed at here
The Amended Draft version of the SIRMP (April 2021) can be viewed here
Background information on the plan, including supporting assessments can be viewed here
Useful Reports
- Shetland Islands Wave and Tidal Resource (2011)
- Regional Locational Guidance for Wave and Tidal Energy in the Shetland Islands (2013)
Useful Links
Organisations who can provide advice on your proposals are provided below: