Sullom Voe Harbour Area Masterplan

The Sullom Voe Harbour Area Masterplan was adopted by Shetland Islands Council as non-statutory planning guidance in spring 2022, subject to a five year review, or earlier if determined by the Council.

Sullom Voe Harbour Area Masterplan – Publication Version - July 2022

Sullom Voe Harbour Area Master Plan - Habitats Regulations Appraisal

Sullom Voe Harbour Area Masterplan - Webmap
Having the status of adopted non-statutory planning guidance means that it will be a material consideration in planning decisions that are taken by the Council’s Planning Service for marine planning (aquaculture) and works licence applications.

Sullom Voe Harbour Area Masterplan - Strategic Environmental Assessment

Sullom Voe Harbour Area Masterplan - Post Adoption Statement

Purpose of the Masterplan & Potential Development Zones

The Masterplan provides a clear picture of opportunities and constraints to guide future development within the Sullom Voe Harbour Area. 

It identifies a number of ‘Potential Development Zones’ which could suit a range of potential uses including aquaculture, seaweed farming and renewable energy development.  These are zoned in the Masterplan from Zone A to Zone G and consist of 17* separate potential zones for development.  Development outwith the Potential Development Zones within the Sullom Voe Harbour Area would be considered by the Council to be contrary to the Masterplan.

*NB – the northernmost part of Zone B (the largest of the Zone B areas that are identified for sub-surface development only) is currently the subject of a lease option agreement that was awarded by Crown Estate Scotland to Nova Innovation in 2021

Crown Estate Scotland – Seabed Leasing

Please contact Crown Estate Scotland for more information on seabed leasing in the Sullom Voe Harbour Area.  Their most recent statement can be viewed by clicking on the following web link:  Seabed rights in the Sullom Voe Harbour Area | Crown Estate Scotland

Pre-Application Advice

If you are considering a development in the Sullom Voe Harbour Area please contact the Council’s Coastal and Marine Planning Team so that they can provide you with pre-application advice.  This is a free service and more information can be found in our Make a Marine Planning Application section of our website.