Early Learning and Childcare Provision

All three and four year olds, and some two year olds, are entitled to 1140 hours per year of free early learning and childcare. 

The 1140 hours model enables you to choose to use your hours during term-time only or year round.

Term-time only (up to 30 hours per week over 38 weeks per year)
If you would like term-time only you can opt for a number of hours that suit your needs up to 1140 per year. The hours you choose should be across one block of time each day. The pattern that you choose can vary from day to day but your weekly term-time pattern must remain the same.

Year round (up to 23 hours per week over 50 weeks per year)
There are a limited number of settings that can offer year round provision. If you require year round provision you should choose one of these providers. You can opt for a number of hours that suit your needs up to 1140 per year. The hours you choose should be across one block of time each day. The pattern that you choose can vary from day to day but your weekly pattern must remain the same year round.

Split Placements
With either the term-time only option or the year round option, you can choose a split placement with any other funded provider.

Blended Provision
You can choose to apply for a blended model with a childminder. Blended placements are limited but we will make every effort to try and meet your needs. If you have some of your term-time provision with a childminder, any unused hours, up to 1140, can be used over the holiday periods by arrangement.

All early learning and childcare providers are listed in the Early Learning and Childcare Providers directory.