We will progress the Fair Food Project with an aim of making Shetland an equitable food community.
Grow Shetland is a three-year project supporting the Shetland community to grow more of its own fruit and vegetables, increase access to affordable food and encourage healthy eating. Part of the wider Fair Food Project, Grow Shetland has carried out a range of activities in the past year, delivered by Transition Turriefield:
- Launching the Grow Shetland website, providing an online hub for access to Shetland specific growing information and resources
- Supporting the development of three geographical growing groups in South Mainland
- Delivering online workshops with 156 participants, covering a range of topics from how to start growing your own soil, to sowing seeds and composting
- Recruiting, inducting and deploying eight grower mentors who now offer support to growers in local communities across Shetland
- Working with nine schools and conducting 12 visits to deliver staff training and create seven development plans for their growing plots
Each successful growing plot in schools, communities or an individual’s garden reduces the need to import fresh produce. It provides food for the household or community and lessens the need to shop. At least five schools recognised the benefit for low income families and chose to send their produce home with pupils.