Shetland Family Centre

Fear-Less Triple P Parenting Programme


Small Changes, Big Differences

What is Fear-Less?

Fear-Less Triple P is a cognitive behavioural parenting intervention that supports parents to help children manage their anxiety more effectively.

The programme encourages parents to generalise strategies to all family members, not just the child of concern.

Fear-Less Triple P aims to help parents to set a good example of coping with anxiety, coach their children to become more emotionally resilient, and develop a toolbox of strategies and choose the most effective to respond to their child’s anxiety.

Weekly sessions:

Session 1: Understanding anxiety

In this session, parents learn about anxiety and how it works. Parents are encouraged to reflect on how anxiety impacts their family. The session aims to give parents a better understanding of the development of their child’s anxiety and why it continues. At the end of the session, parents establish some goals for change to focus on through the programme.

Session 2: Promoting emotional resilience

Parents are introduced to parenting strategies that promote emotional resilience in children. These strategies help parents encourage their children to express, tolerate and manage their upsetting emotions more effectively. Parents are also introduced to a tool that helps to track how anxious their child is feeling.

Session 3: Setting a good example and encouraging realistic thinking

This session introduces the importance of parental modelling in understanding children’s emotional reactions. The session also covers how thoughts can affect the development and maintenance of anxiety, highlighting the importance of flexible thinking and teaching parents to encourage this skill in children.

Session 4: Understanding avoidance

In this session, parents learn about avoidance, the most common response to anxiety. Parents are introduced to the principle of exposure and the ‘fear ladder’, a tool used to gradually confront and overcome anxiety.

Session 5: Responding to children’s anxiety

This session focuses on the most common ways parents respond to children’s anxiety, and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Parents are encouraged to reflect on which responses are relevant to them and what they might want to do differently.

Session 6: Constructive problem solving and maintaining progress

This session introduces parents to a step-by-step problem solving approach to help children manage their anxiety. It also covers some guidelines on how to maintain positive changes over time.


For further information, please email or by phone on 01595 745400.

If you would like to take part in the course, please complete the online applicaion form below

Fear-Less Triple P Application Form