Throughcare and Aftercare service provides advice and guidance to young people leaving care to ensure they are no worse off than their peers. Our aim is to achieve the best possible outcomes for care leavers. We promote the rights and views of young people and ensure their best interests are represented. Our engagement supports and helps prevent them from the effects of exclusion, marginalisation and the experience of poverty. All support is based upon the needs, abilities and aspirations of each care leaver.
Local authorities have a statutory duty under Section 29 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995) to act as corporate parents to Looked After young people, particularly those who cannot return to their families. We support 16-26 year olds and beyond and are guided by the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 (Part 10 & 11) to support young people leaving care in Scotland.We assist them to access suitable services and help individuals with training/ employment and accommodation. Our professional team build appropriate relationships and where necessary help individuals bridge gaps in their development.
The Throughcare and Aftercare team are responsible for key working, developing pathways plans; providing high levels of emotional support to the young people; making young people aware of the practicalities of moving on and co-ordinating responsibilities. This may mean directing and supporting through challenging times or enabling care leavers to access specialist support services such as mental health or substance misuse specialists.
We work alongside other agencies and have a multi-agency approach which helps ensure corporate parenting responsibilities are recognised. As required we offer care leavers the opportunity to develop their practical and life skills. This may include budgeting, cooking, self-care skills etc. We encourage and support individuals to attend health appointments and support the development and maintenance of interests and hobbies.
The Throughcare and Aftercare team provides Throughcare for young people, by involving them in planning and make preparations for when they cease to be looked after. The aftercare service is the provision of advice, guidance and assistance when the young person is no longer looked after and they are living in their own tenancy. The service can also support care leavers to gain the practical skills to manage living independently. Overall, young people’s involvement in the service reflect their views and wishes.