What can you apply for?
We will consider providing ‘seed corn’ funding to, or ‘pump priming’ projects in the area covered by your organisation, which are related to the following priority areas: -
- children and young people;
- families at risk;
- older people;
- transport; safer & stronger communities;
- reducing offending; health inequalities & physical activity;
- employment and economic recovery & growth
Examples we will consider funding: -
- Community Councils applying for a Distribution Fund
- Projects that develop local services
- Regeneration and income generating projects
- Facility upgrades
- Tourism related projects
- Projects that “spend to save” or “spend to earn”
- Environmental improvements Projects should meet local needs and priorities and seek to deliver maximum benefits and impact in the community.
Examples we will not fund: -
- Loan or endowment payments
- Projects with no long-term sustainability
- Second hand vehicles and second hand equipment (unless valued or certified by an independent / qualified assessor)
- Projects / activities that have already taken place
- Business or commercial ventures
- Fundraising expenses
- Meals and subsistence costs
- General entertainment costs
- Schools projects or costs for competing in Schools competitions
- Unadopted roads
- Clerks wages and administration costs
- Political or religious activities
- Recoverable VAT