Shetland Rural Retail Services Scheme

Who can apply

The Rural Retail Services Scheme is available to rural shops in Shetland that stock a range of food products and household goods.

For the purposes of eligibility, a ‘rural shop’ will be defined as a non-specialist retailer, located outside of Lerwick, which must stock basic foodstuff staples (tea/coffee, bread, dairy, eggs, meat, fruit and vegetables) and household goods (newspapers and magazines, toiletries, detergents, etc). 

Applicants must:

  • Provide a summary of the project and detail how the Rural Retail Services Scheme will help the business address specific, immediate priorities in order to maintain viability;
  • Provide suitable and specific evidence of the benefits the project will provide to the business operating model;
  • Provide proof of registration for Non-Domestic Rates (NDR);
    • if applicants are the tenant of a property and are not directly liable for NDR, they may still be eligible provided that they can provide evidence of a suitable lease/rental agreement, and that the property is on the valuation roll
  • Provide evidence of costs – for cost items under £25,000 at least one quote must be provided. Two or more quotes should be provided for cost items greater than £25,000;
  • Not be in administration, insolvent or where a striking-off notice has been made;
  • Not have already received the maximum permitted subsidy allowances.

Specialist retail (eg newsagents, hardware, garages), and shops which are outlets of national supermarket retail chains will not be eligible for assistance.