Building a House
The Online Shetland Directory can help you find contact details of all the relevant professionals you will need to progress your self-build, including Architects, Builders, Solicitors and Lenders.
Acquiring a site
Prices for house sites can vary from £15,000 to £35,000 for unserviced sites across mainland Shetland, and serviced sites can cost £30,000 to £60,000. House sites in Lerwick are difficult to acquire, mostly due to a lack of suitable land available for development.
Crofters do make land available to family or community members, typically at a nominal cost. Local knowledge and connections are very helpful for anyone wanting to acquire a house site in a particular location or community. If you are looking for land, advertising locally can be helpful.
Land may need to be decrofted if it has previously been used for agricultural purposes. This is the case even if you are buying a property to replace or renovate.
Good legal advice should be sought at an early stage, particularly if you have not yet acquired legal titles to a house site.
Planning Guidance and Advice
SIC Planning are happy to help you if you are thinking of building a house and can advise on the requirements of the planning system and general advice on other aspects of the building process.
Designing your Build
Independent and up-to-date advice as well as design/building services are available from local Architects.
SIC Planning also advise anyone thinking about building a house to also view the wide range of Guidance and Advice they publish. This includes information on design, colour, construction and sustainability.
Funding for building
To fund your project, we advise you contact lenders at an early stage. Lenders in Shetland have a great deal of experience in dealing with people who are building their own properties and will advise you who best to contact for specific advice.