How long does it take for a decision to be made?
We will respond to your request for a mutual exchange within 28 calendar days. If we receive all the necessary information and both tenants are able to fulfil the conditions then a decision will be made quickly. If the application is not straightforward, if any of the conditions are not made straight away or if the exchange involves another landlord, the process may take longer.
Once a decision has been made and agreed by any other landlord involved then both tenants will be informed in writing. If the exchange is approved, you will then be able to decide on a suitable date for the exchange to take place. The necessary documents required will be drawn up.
Before the actual move takes place, each tenant must end their current tenancy and sign a new tenancy agreement. Where an existing tenancy is in joint names both joint tenants will need to sign the relevant document.
Please remember a tenant remains legally responsible for their current tenancy until the new tenancy agreement is signed.