Housing Strategies, Plans and Performance

Local Housing Strategy

Local Housing Strategy (LHS) Documents

The Local Housing Strategy and Appendices were approved at the Development Committee on Tuesday 6th September 2022.

Following this, a formal submission for a peer review to take place will be made.

Local Housing Strategy

LHS supporting Documents

LHS Development

The Shetland Islands Council are currently updating the local housing strategy. The different arrangements and stages of this process are detailed below.

Strategic Engagement: Mechanisms were put in place, as part of the LHS consultation plan to ensure the LHS is fully alligned with local strategies, policies and plans.  These include partnership working around the Housing Contribution Statement, the Local Development Plan and the Shetland Net Zero Route Map.

Strategic Governance: The LHS development process has been commissioned by the LHS Steering Group which provides a multi-agency governance framework for the development and implementation of the LHS.  Representatives include partners from Housing Services, Planning, SIC's Development Directorate, Community Planning & Development, Education, Transport Planning, Economic Development, Hjaltland Housing Association and NHS Shetland.

LHS early engagement survey: A survey to inform the new Local Housing Strategy was made available to communities and residents across Shetland, enabling them to express their views on which local housing issues 'matter most'.  The survey was open for a 6-week period from 22/09/21 to 28/10/2021.  The early engagement survey was heavily promoted on social media, via the local press and radio and channeled locally through community councils.  The survey was made available in a range for formats include online, via telephone and freepost options.

LHS Early Engagement Results

Stakeholder conference: To encourage and enable widespread participation, the full day conference was held digitally via Microsoft Tams.  A total of 58 partners and stakeholders attended the event, including representatives from public, private, third and community sectors.  The purpose of the conference was to co-produce an LHS vision, agree the main housing issues that form the basis of LHS priorities and generate ideas and innovation as a basis for LHS actions.  The presentations combined information and evidence around the local housing market, and incorporated feedback following on from recent public consultation.  Those presentations are now available online. 

LHS Development Conference Outcomes Report

Option Identification Workshops:Four half-day workshop sessopms were held, to inform the definition of key LHS priorities together with a range of viable options for addressing them.  Workshop participants were specialist stakeholders and subject matter experts from across the Council and partner organisations.

Option Appraisal Workshops: Four half-day workshop sessions were held to systematically appraise LHS options.  The outputs from these sessopms form the basis of the LHS Action Plan and Outcome Framework.

On 8 March 2022 the Local Housing Strategy Framework was approved at Development Committee.  This details the actions required on the priorities identified within the LHS process.