IJB Planning and Strategies

Supporting equality

wooden letter tiles on a wood background, the letters spell out Everyone Matters

The IJB considers equality when making decisions about the services, seeking to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities and to access health and social care. Shetland IJB works closely with Shetland Islands Council and NHS Shetland to support and promote equality, fairness and equity. The IJB continues to progress equality outcomes and to meet their duties under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) of the Equality Act 2010.

Shetland IJB aims to ensure that everyone is treated fairly, respectfully and with dignity.

Shetland IJB have a duty to:

  • Eliminate discrimination and harassment, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations.
  • Publish a report on how it has mainstreamed equality into day-to-day operation.
  • Publish equality outcomes and report on progress towards these outcomes.
  • Assess and review relevant policies, procedures and practices for equality impacts (we do this using Equality Impact Assessment)
  • Make reports and information published accessible to people.

Equality Outcomes

We are currently working towards our next report on Equality Outcomes.  As part of this work, we are gathering feedback from people with protected characteristics and those that support them, and feedback from our staff. We are asking what matters to you and what can be improved. We will also look at data on Shetland population to identify needs, as well as looking at a range of information on how protected characteristics, and affects on health and social care needs, outcomes and equality.

Shetland Community Planning Partners and Equality Reports

Shetland Community Planning Partners work together to improve equality. The Shetland Community Planning Partners are: Shetland Integration Joint Board (IJB), Shetland Islands Council, NHS Shetland, Shetland College, Schools Service, ZetTrans and Shetland Licensing Board.

Shetland’s Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Progress Reports

These reports set out the goals that Shetland Community Planning Partners wish to achieve. The reports also provide an update on progress made since the previous report. Shetland IJB contribute to this work and to the reports as a Shetland Community Planning Partner.

A summary and links to the reports are below. To view all the reports please visit the Council page: Diversity and Inclusion – Shetland Islands Council

Year Link to report Some updates in the report include
2019 shetland-equality-outcomes-and-mainstreaming-progress-reports

The Council revised HR policies, and joined the See Me in Work programme, promoting a culture and environment of equality of opportunity.

The new Eric Gray Resource Centre opened, providing specialist supported vocational activities for adults with learning disability, autistic spectrum disorder and complex needs.

2021 equality-outcomes-mainstreaming-report-2021-25

Approval of a new Domestic Abuse and Violence Strategy 2018-23.

Hosting of Project Search, supporting young people with additional needs to gain skills and experience to help them move into employment.

2023 equality-outcome-progress-report-2023

More Modern Apprentices and support of training in work schemes within Community Health & Social Care (CH&SC).

Looking at flexibility and skill set within CH&SC roles to reduce barriers and support staff during Cost of Living crisis.

2025 Under development Under development

Employment Equalities

The IJB do not directly employ staff. Instead staff who work under the Health and Social Care Partnership are employed by Shetland Islands Council and NHS Shetland. Both these organisations develop reports that look at equalities in employment; including recruitment and selection, training and development, protected characteristics and pay.

For more information please view: