Acceptable Use Agreement for Customers

Shetland Library laptops, mobile devices & other equipment

The Shetland Library provides computer equipment, audio-visual equipment and networking facilities to library members and the general public with few restrictions.  The service is free to use, other than for printouts and the purchase of portable storage media. 

Please use our services responsibly and respect the needs of other users. 

Borrowers of library laptops, audio-visual equipment and mobile devices:

  • Are required to be members of the library and must keep staff informed of any changes to contact details.
  • Are responsible for returning that device in a clean and undamaged condition, and on time.  Loss or damage may be charged for, up to the full replacement cost of the equipment.
  • Must sign an additional 'Customer Agreement' before removing any piece of equipment from library premises.
  • Are responsible for deleting any personal information before returning the device to the library.
  • Must recognise that serious breaches of the agreement below might lead to action by outside authorities, such as police.

Library laptops, audio-visual equipment and mobile devices may not be used for any of the following: 

  1. To access obscene, indecent or illegal material
  2. The creation or transmission of any offensive, obscene or indecent images, data or other material;
  3. The creation or transmission of defamotry material;
  4. The creation or transmission of material such that this infringes the copyright of another person;
  5. Deliberate unauthorised access to restricted systems or services
  6. Deliberate activities with any of the following characteristics:
  • misuse of the library equipment, such as the introduction of "viruses";
  • downloading, copying or using unlicensed software and/or copyrighted material

Please be aware that Shetland Library cannot be held responsibility for the accuracy of information accessed via library equipment, nor for its content, even though some material may cause offence. 

While security measures and safety procedures are integral to the provision of the library public computer service, Shetland Library cannot be held responsible for the security and integrity of user data and/or user accounts accessed on library equipment. 

Devices will be cleared of personal information by library between users. However, it is the borrower’s responsibility to take all reasonable measures to remove any personal information, logins and passwords before returning the device to the library. 

By borrowing library equipment you are agreeing to the statements listed above.

Version 1.2 – Adopted November 2024