Shetland Outdoor Access Forum
Section 25 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 requires the Council to establish a Local Access Forum. The Forum is a way of bringing together all parties with an interest in developing and managing access. It is an advisory body helping to promote a cooperative approach to Access development and management. Shetland's Access Forum, which consists of 12 members representing a range of public bodies throughout Shetland will hold meetings at least 4 times a year to discuss a range of Access issues.
The objectives of the forum are:
- to act as the local Access Forum for Shetland and to undertake the functions of that body if and when statutorily required to be established by Shetland Islands Council.
- to advise Shetland Islands Council on strategic access issues and the development of the Core Path Plan Network in Shetland through the policies and priorities of the Shetland Access Strategy.
- to promote the responsible access through the Scottish Outdoor Access Code
- to promote the sharing of knowledge, awareness, and good practices
- to offer Shetland Islands Council advice which will assist in resolving access problems.
- The Forum Communication Plan sets out the basis for communication flows between the Forum, the Forum working groups and the general public.
The Forum Partnership Agreement
For Forum contact details and copies of minutes, agendas and reports please contact the Outdoor Access Officer on (01595) 744800 or e-mail
Outdoor Access Officer
Shetland Islands Council
8 North Ness Business Park
Lerwick, Shetland
If you have any queries, please email the Outdoor Access Officer via or telephone 01595 744 169