Operational Note – Fair Isle ferry service

Good shepherd iv sml

A limited number of passengers can now once again travel on the Fair Isle ferry, whilst adhering to strict Covid-safe measures.

Passengers have been unable to travel on the MV Good Shepherd IV since the start of the pandemic, although the lifeline ferry service has continued to operate, carrying essential goods and freight into and out of the isle.

A review of the earlier risk assessment on the route has identified that a limited number of passengers can now travel on the ferry once again.  Passengers must wear face masks on board the vessel and regular use of hand sanitisers will be required.

The Fair Isle ferry service is a bookings only service, and passengers can book by contacting the bookings office in Fair Isle on 01595 760363.

Please look up our Ferries webpage for more details on Ferries services, including summer timetables.

Published: 24th June 2021