Health and Social Care Partnership

How does the IJB/HSCP work?

Our vision is that everyone is supported in their community to live longer, healthier lives and we will have reduced health inequalities

The Shetland Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) has been formed as part of the integration of services provided by Shetland Islands Council and NHS Shetland Health Board. Shetland Islands Council and NHS Shetland agreed to formally delegate community health and social care services for adults to a third body, which is the Shetland Integration Joint Board (IJB). The IJB is responsible for the operational management and main decision making for the Shetland Health and Social Care Partnership.

The diagram below shows the relationship and accountabilities between IJB, NHS and Council.
Further information on how Integration works can be found in What is integration? A short guide to the integration of health and social care in Scotland, Accounts Commission.

IJB model - shows how IJB, NHS and Council are accountable to each other