How you are paid
It is very important that you contact the Benefits Section as soon as you decide to make a claim because if you are due any benefit, it will start from the Monday following the date you first contacted, provided a written application was received by the Benefits Section within one month of you first contacting. However, if you contact the Benefits Section in the same week as your liability started benefit can be paid from that week.
However, if you receive Income Support or income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, your benefit will start on the Monday after your Income Support or income-based Jobseeker's Allowance starts. This applies as long as we receive your benefit application form within one month of your claim for Income Support/income-based Jobseeker's Allowance.
If you are a Council tenant any benefit due will be paid directly to your rent account. Private tenants will be paid via ‘bank transfer’ directly to their own bank account. Council Tax Reduction will be paid directly to your Council Tax account.