When starting a tenancy, you will have to sign a Tenancy Agreement. Please ensure you understand what is included in this document and if you have any questions, please contact us.
Your area Housing Officer will arrange a settling in visit or call approximately four weeks after the tenancy start date. This will be an opportunity for you to ask any follow up questions, and for us to assist with any queries you may have.
To find your Housing Officer & Inspection Officer Details, use the following link www.shetland.gov.uk/contact-housing.
Instructions for heating controls will be made available to you when you move into your home. If you need any further information, please get in touch.
The SIC Housing Letting Standard can be viewed here www.shetland.gov.uk/tenant-information/tenant-information-1/3 which explains how an incoming tenant should expect to find their new home. Please refer to the link above for more information.
The short tenancy is essentially a version of the Scottish Secure Tenancy with limited security of the tenancy - The circumstances where a short Scottish secure tenancy can be used are:
- For tenants who have been previously evicted for anti-social behaviour
- Those living in temporary accommodation
- Where the accommodation is not owned by us and the terms of the lease stop the property being let as a SST.
- Where an anti-social behaviour order has been granted against the prospective tenant or any person who is going to live with them.
Who do I have to contact?
You must tell your energy provider when you take over a new tenancy as soon as possible.
You are responsible for arranging your own contents insurance.
Other Useful Contacts
Citizens Advice Bureau
Housing Repairs
Benefits & Arrears
Refuse Collection & Recycling
Furniture recycling/purchase second hand furniture
If you wish to recycle any furniture, there are options across Shetland - you can look at social media, local shops and the press. Take a look at www.cope.ltd.uk/enterprises/shetland-home-co who may perhaps also pick up and deliver furniture.
Redirection Mail
Contact your local post office for details www.postoffice.co.uk.
Link to Schools - www.shetland.gov.uk/schools-learning
Link to Transport - www.shetland.gov.uk/transport
Link to NHS Shetland - www.shb.scot.nhs.uk