How much is my Rent
SIC Housing - Rents for General and Sheltered properties
Rent levels vary according to the size of the property, whether it is in Lerwick or outwith Lerwick.
The majority of SIC properties are funded through the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) which is a separate fund only for SIC tenant rents. The rents below show the charges for 2024/2025.
Number of bedrooms | 2024/25 weekly charge |
Bedsit | £59.39 |
1 | £77.56 |
2 | £89.03 |
3 | £107.23 |
4 | £124.94 |
Outwith Lerwick
Number of bedrooms | 2024/25 weekly charge |
Bedsit | £56.71 |
1 | £73.96 |
2 | £84.59 |
3 | £101.86 |
4 | £118.69 |
5 | £135.96 |
7 | £169.62 |
Some SIC properties are funded through the General Fund, mainly temporary accommodation and some properties that were transferred from other Services to Housing to manage. The rents for these properties are slightly higher than the rents shown above.
Homeless person accommodation
The rent charged is more than for general accommodation. This is because the charges cover the costs of managing the accommodation and providing furniture, carpets and curtains etc. Sometimes the charges also include electricity and council tax. The rent and charges may also differ depending on the type of temporary housing provided.
SIC Housing - Rents for Garages
Type of Garage | 2024/2025 weekly charge |
Garage Rents (no electricity) | £13.06 |
Garage Rents (electricity) | £18.66 |
Double Garage (electricity) | £27.93 |
Garage Site | £ 5.93 |
Please note that non Council House tenants also have to pay VAT @ 20%.
For further information on HRA and General fund please see the next page.