Housing Adaptations
For SIC Housing tenants minor property adaptations are provided as part of the Minor Adaptations Without Delay scheme. Eligible simple adaptations include:
- Highlighting the edge of steps on external stairs;
- Fitting external handrails at the properties main entrance;
- Fitting internal handrails in the kitchen and bathroom;
- Installing an additional rail on the stairs.
You do not need an occupational therapy assessment to receive these minor adaptations.
SIC Housing Tenants who feel that their current home does not meet their support needs should discuss their concerns with their Housing Officer in the first instance. They will provide advice and support about your housing needs. One outcome may be a request for an occupational therapy assessment to better understand if major adaptations are required and if they are possible in your current home. You can refer yourself to Community Occupational Therapy to request an assessment or your Housing Officer can assist you.
Provision of major adaptations will only be recommended following an assessment from an Occupational Therapist if you meet the eligibility criteria for those adaptations and if there is no other way for your support needs to be met. Typical adaptations provided following assessment include installing a level access showers and providing ramped access. Any recommendation for major adaptations will be specific to your individual needs.
To request minor adaptations please contact Housing and for major adaptations please contact your Housing Officer.
To self-refer to Community Occupational Therapy for an assessment please use the form in the link below or call 01595 744319.