Shetland's Population Balance 2023

We will refresh the Promote Shetland place branding and deliver campaigns to attract working age people to relocate to Shetland.

A screencapture of the promote shetland website showing the professions page

The Council awarded the new Promote Shetland contract in February 2022 to NB Communication Ltd.  The Shetland place branding has been refreshed under the strapline of “Islands of Opportunity”, promoting an online gateway for industries and career opportunities in Shetland, alongside more traditional tourism messages.  As part of this work, Professions pages have been created to provide helpful focus on specific public sector professions in Shetland.  In terms of Council jobs, this has included teaching, planning and social care.

Engagement rates with the online content indicates continuing significant interest in Shetland.  This activity ties in well with our Shetland Partnership and Council aim to encourage people to ‘live, work, study and invest’ in Shetland.