20 Years of the Land Reform Act
This year marks 20 years since the passing of the Land Reform Act by the Scottish Parliament.
The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 gives Scotland a unique framework of access rights and responsibilities and plays a vital role in delivering benefits to health and wellbeing as well as supporting everyone in enjoying the outdoors and the natural world.
By providing legal rights of non-motorised access to most land and inland water throughout Scotland, members of the public can access much of the country openly and freely.
These legal rights are based on the principle of responsible access, with obligations both on the access users and on the managers of the land. By following the Scottish Outdoor Access Code, which gives detailed information on these rights and responsibilities, the Scottish countryside can be enjoyed by all.
The Scottish Outdoor Access Code is based on three key principles:
• Respect the interests of others.
• Care for the environment.
• Take responsibility for your own actions.
Please get in touch with the outdoor access team if you would like any information about outdoor access or the Land reform Act at outdooraccess@shetland.gov.uk or telephone 01595 744 169