Environmental Protection

Dog Fouling

Why you should clean up after your dog!

It is an offence not to clean up after your dog and you could be fined £80

Allowing your dog to foul a public area is not environmentally acceptable.

  • It damages your local environment
  • It increases tension between non-dog and dog owners
  • It ruins everyone's enjoyment of walking in our open areas
  • It prevents children running freely or playing sports on open grassland
  • It turns a walk to the shops into a battle with dog faeces
  • It is a very unpleasant substance to wash off shoes, clothing or children
  • It can spread disease

Healthy Dog, Happy Dog

Dog faeces can contain worm eggs, which remain on, or in the soil long after the faeces has weathered away. The eggs can be ingested by other dogs, thus continuing the cycle. Your walk could result in your dog becoming infected through contact with another dog's faeces.

Dog faeces may affect young children if the worm eggs are ingested.

To prevent infection between dogs and to keep your dog free from worms, remember to worm your dog frequently - at least every six months.

What does Environmental Health do?

Bins for disposal are widely available in many streets throughout the area. Responsible dog owners always pick up after their dogs.

Approximately four tonnes of dog faeces are picked up from dog waste bins in Shetland every year. Responsible dog owners are to be congratulated on this accomplishment.

Dogs and the Law, what does it say?

If anybody sees a dog owner who doesn't clean up after his or her dog and they can identify them, they should report this to Environmental Health or the Police.

The Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act 2003 has made it an offence not to clean up after your dog in any public place, with a fixed penalty of £80.

Scottish Outdoor Access - Dog Walking information

Anything you need to know about walking your dog in countryside or in urban settings from training to the law.

Dog Control Lambing Season

It is important to keeps dogs under close control, preferably on a lead, and avoid areas with enclosed sheep and lambs especially during lambing season.
Peak season is normally April and May in Shetland.

Scottish Outdoor Access Code says: You can avoid disturbing sheep close to lambing time, or young animals such as calves, lambs, foals, by going into a neighbouring field or onto adjacent land. If this is not possible, keep as far from the animals as possible. Do not take dogs into fields where there are young animals present