We will maintain a clear focus on delivering excellent services to the public.
We carried out a survey in 2022 to get some feedback on a number of questions relating to the quality of our customer services across the Council. Over 500 responses were received and the results were considered by the Corporate Management Team and shared with the wider management team so that the issues could be taken into consideration in service planning. Shetland Islands Council Customer First 2022 Survey Results
The top five highlights were:
We asked…
• How would you rate the staff who served you and 84% (up from 82%) said ‘always or nearly always polite’
• What about the service you received? Almost 78% (up from 72%) of those who answered this question said we always or nearly always provided a helpful and friendly service
• Think about your last contact with the Council; was it a positive or negative experience? 76% (up from 69%) said their last contact was a positive one.
• When asked if there had been cause to complain in the last 12 months, 74% (up from 68%) commented that they’d had no cause to
• 76% (down from 80%) described the Council as easy to contact when they needed to
Opportunities for improvement:
We asked people’s opinions on how good we are at a range of activities…
• 56% (down from 58%) of respondents to that question said they felt we were poor or very poor at allowing residents to participate in making decisions
• 50% (down from 56%) felt we were poor or very poor at learning from customer feedback
• 45% (down from 49%) felt we were poor or very poor at listening to residents’ views
• When asked to rate the service they received, 36% (down from 43%) of respondents felt they’d sometimes, seldom or never witnessed an experienced and confident service in the last year
• 42% (down from 49%) said they’d sometimes, seldom or never encountered a responsive service where we were able to resolve problems
In answering the question in the latest Scottish Household Survey ‘My local Council designs its services around the needs of the people who use them’ included, 52% of Shetland respondents agreed, which was the highest rate in Scotland.