Transport (2023)

We will continue to support delivery of an affordable and sustainable system of public transport services to meet the needs of Shetland.

We will support the development of alternative solutions such as active travel and mobility as a service that encourages positive travel choices. These will evolve with the availability of alternative fuels and technologies and will complement other transport modes to form part of an integrated transport network. The network will support our community outcomes of achieving climate change targets, reducing inequality, improving public health and enabling access to essential goods and services, employment, education and health care, as well as other opportunities to ensure inclusive economic growth and healthy communities.

As part of delivering on the Active Travel Strategy, officers have been progressing a series of revenue and capital projects funded from a range of sources such as the Scottish Government’s Active Travel Transformation Fund, Cycling Walking Safer Streets and Smarter Choices Smarter Places.  Following a set of settlement audits, a revenue and capital programme will be presented to committee to set out proposals for Active Travel projects through 2024/25.  Officers have submitted further funding bids for capital projects and behaviour change interventions from Scottish Government funding which is being made available in financial year 2024/25.

A review of the public bus network (incorporating School and Adult Social Care transport) will begin in April 2024 and will include a supporting business case for the next 5 year period of services.