We acknowledge the role of the IJB in setting the strategic agenda for the provision of health and care for our community and will support the delivery of the services commissioned from us
Working together with NHS Shetland, we will deliver the outcomes in the Integration Joint Board’s Strategic Plan
The Integration Joint Board’s Joint Strategic Commissioning Plan 2022-25 was approved on 24 March 2022 and included the following priorities:
• To prevent poor health and wellbeing and intervene at an early stage to prevent worsening outcomes.
• To prevent and reduce the avoidable and unfair differences in health and wellbeing across social groups and between different population groups.
• To demonstrate best value in the services that we commission and the ways in which we work.
• To shift the balance of care towards people being supported within and by their communities
• To meaningfully involve communities in how we design and develop services and to be accountable to their feedback
Recruitment and retention has continued to be challenging across health and social care, with Shetland experiencing an amplified version of national challenges with the local context of remote and rural living, increased cost of living, and housing availability. The wider impacts on outcomes within our communities, and particularly on unpaid carers, is still emerging and causing concern for our teams.
Working well as a team across health, care and other services is key to supporting people in a way that works for them. To facilitate this multi-disciplinary team (MDT) working the Health and Social Care Partnership instigated locality MDT meetings to support communication and build relationships across the teams which has supported learning and positive outcomes for individuals. The meetings are supported by Executive Management and have a clear line of escalation for challenges or issues that could not be solved within localities. These, coupled with a multi-agency Discharge group, have helped to decrease the number of Delayed Discharges, or people being held up in hospital when they are ready to go home or to a community setting.